Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan took to Instagram and shared how her elder son Tamiur does her “seva”. In the three pictures of Taimur walking with her stilettos as his back faces the camera. In the picture, Taimur could be seen wearing a black suit. She wrote in the caption, “MAA ki seva...
Bollywood’s power couple, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were spotted at the airport with their two adorable sons, Taimur and Jeh. Kareena wore a denim jacket layered over a black outfit. On..
Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan recently shared an emotional post as she bid farewell to Switzerland, where she had been enjoying a memorable holiday with her family.
Accompanied by her husband..
Kareena Kapoor Khan and her son Taimur Ali Khan are making the most of their family vacation in Switzerland. The actress recently captured a heartwarming moment of her son enjoying a fun day of skiing...