Television actress Deepika Singh paid a hilarious tribute to the iconic character Basanti from the blockbuster film 'Sholay'. She shared a video on Instagram, where she danced to the song "Haan Jab Tak Hai Jaan" with a comical twist. The clip begins with her co-star Naman Shaw, dressed as Veeru,...
In this video, we pay tribute to Dr. Manmohan Singh, former Prime Minister of India, who passed away at the age of 92. A visionary leader and economist, Dr. Singh's contributions to Indiaβs economic..
Ranveer Singh has once again captured the attention of his fans with a bold new look. The actor, often celebrated for experimenting with his wardrobe and appearance, recently shared a series of..
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, seen at Mumbai airport, garner attention as Ranveer asks paparazzi to avoid taking pictures since their daughter, Dua, is... IndiaTimes