Mumbai: Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan, children of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan from his first marriage, were spotted visiting their father at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai's Bandra area. Following Saif's incident with a burglar, his children arrived at the hospital to check on his well-being....
MUMBAI: Dr. Nitin Dange, the chief neurosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital, recently discussed Saif Ali Khan's condition when he arrived at the hospital. He noted that Saif's body language was quite telling..
MUMBAI: A statement issued by Saif’s treating doctor In Lilavati said: “Saif Ali Khan's condition is stable... Saif's condition is improving... Saif is feeling better. He has been shifted to a..
Saif Ali Khan was attacked during a burglary at his Mumbai home, but he is now recovering well at Lilavati Hospital. Family and celebrities like Kareena Kapoor,... IndiaTimes Also reported by •DNA