Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed six times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra West residence late Wednesday night. The assailant, who broke into the actor’s home at 2:30 AM, injured Saif while he intervened in a heated argument between the intruder and a staff member. Saif...
Mumbai: DCP Dixit Gedam on actor Saif Ali Khan says, "In the incident that occurred, 10 different investigation teams are working. It has been revealed in the investigation that one of the accused was..
Mumbai: Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan, children of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan from his first marriage, were spotted visiting their father at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai's Bandra area. Following..
Mumbai : Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan's shocking injury during an attempted burglary at his residence has sent shockwaves through the Indian film industry. Several prominent personalities, including..
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times after confronting an intruder in his Bandra residence early Thursday morning. The intruder fled after a violent altercation,... IndiaTimes