Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed six times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra West residence late Wednesday night. The assailant, who broke into the actor’s home at 2:30 AM, injured Saif while he intervened in a heated argument between the intruder and a staff member. Saif...
Mumbai : Saif Ali Khan, who is recovering from a stabbing incident at his Bandra residence, has been receiving a steady stream of visitors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. His daughter Sara Ali Khan,..
Actor Shahid Kapoor reached the trailer launch Of his upcoming movie ‘Deva’ and he reacted to the Saif Ali Khan stabbing incident and said, "All of us from the fraternity are extremely concerned...
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan continues to recover from his stab wounds, new developments seem to take place in parallel. The Mumbai police have recovered another melee weapon from the actor’s..
Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Kareena Kapoor and her children have been staying with her sister Karisma Kapoor after the attack on Saif Ali Khan, as the... Zee News Also reported by •IndiaTimes