Actor Anupam Kher, who recently portrayed Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan in the film 'Emergency', paid a poignant tribute to Kashmiri Pandits on Kashmiri Hindus Exodus Day. The senior actor took to his social media handle, formerly Twitter, now IX, and shared a heartfelt video of himself reciting a...
Public review of the film "Emergency" is out, and fans are singing praises for Kangana Ranaut's latest outing. The audience has been thoroughly impressed with the film, and their enthusiasm is..
MUMBAI: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis recently attended a special screening of Kangana Ranaut's film "Emergency". He was all praise for the movie, expressing his admiration for Kangana's..
MUMBAI: Actress Kangana Ranaut on her movie 'Emergency' says, "We have reached the theater after a lot of struggle. And the Chief Minister came here to watch the film. He watched the film and..
Kangana Ranaut's film Emergency, a biographical political thriller centered on Indira Gandhi's 1975 decision, hit theatres after multiple delays, earning over Rs... IndiaTimes