The devastating fire in a Kuwaiti building housing migrant workers claimed 45 Indian lives. A special IAF flight carrying their mortal remains took off for India, with the Minister of State on board to coordinate repatriation. The victims hailed from various Indian states, mostly employed by a...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to Kuwait, met with Abdullah Al Baroun and Abdul Lateef Al Nesef, the individuals behind the Arabic translations of India's epic tales, the Ramayana and Mahabharata. In a heartfelt gesture, PM Modi signed copies of these translated works and expressed his admiration for their cultural significance. The visit also included interactions with the vibrant Indian diaspora in Kuwait, strengthening India-Kuwait ties. Watch this video to delve into the cultural and diplomatic importance of this meeting and how India’s heritage is resonating globally.
#PMModi #Ramayana #Mahabharata #KuwaitVisit #IndianCulture #Diplomacy #IndianDiaspora #ArabicTranslation #IndiaKuwaitRelations #CulturalExchange #ModiInKuwait
Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) has successfully facilitated its first pet import under the newly acquired Animal Quarantine and Certification Services (AQCS) certification. Meet Eva, a one-year-old mixed-breed cat from Doha, who is the first pet to arrive under this new system. This marks a significant milestone for the airport, which now offers seamless import and export facilities for pets. With dedicated services such as a fully-equipped pet station, veterinary support, and a quarantine center, CIAL is leading the way in Kerala for pet travel. Watch how Eva's journey was smooth and hassle-free, from the Air India flight AI 954 to her safe arrival in Kochi.
#CochinInternationalAirport #PetImport #AnimalQuarantine #AQCS #EvaTheCat #PetTravel #KochiNews #PetServices #AirIndia #PetsAbroad #CIAL #Kochi #PetLovers
An Indian Air Force C-130J aircraft has landed in Delhi, carrying the mortal remains of 45 Indian victims who perished in the tragic fire incident in Kuwait's Mangaf. The devastating blaze claimed the..
In a heart-wrenching incident, at least 45 Indians were among the 49 people killed when a devastating fire swept through a labour housing facility in Kuwait’s Mangaf area early Wednesday. The tragedy..
The mortal remains of the victims of the recent fire incident in Kuwait were solemnly handed over to their families at Kochi Airport. The tragic event, which claimed multiple lives, left a deep impact..
A fire in a Kuwaiti building housing 195 migrant workers, mostly Indians, led to 45 Indian fatalities. The blaze, caused by an electrical short circuit, was... IndiaTimes
An Indian Air Force (IAF) special aircraft, carrying the mortal remains of 45 Indian victims who lost their lives in the tragic fire incident in Kuwait, has... IndiaTimes Also reported by •DNA