A tragic stampede occurred at a spiritual gathering in Hathras, organized by Sakar Vishwa Hari Bhole Baba. The incident happened as crowds were leaving, resulting in about 90 deaths. Bhole Baba, formerly Suraj Pal, quit his job 17 years ago to become a spiritual leader. He has millions of followers,...
A massive stampede erupted during Pandit Pradeep Mishra’s Katha event in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, as chaos unfolded at Shatabdi Nagar. Around one lakh attendees crowded the venue, leading to the unfortunate incident when private security tried to restrict entry for women. Authorities, including ADG Dhruv Kant Thakur, confirmed no fatalities or injuries but highlighted the overwhelming challenges in managing the crowd. This incident comes months after the tragic Hathras stampede in July that claimed 121 lives. Watch to understand what led to the chaos and its aftermath.
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Watch as Surajpal, known as 'Bhole Baba', addresses the tragic Hathras stampede, expressing sorrow and urging support for victims. He calls for faith in authorities and justice for those..
A deadly stampede at preacher Bhole Baba's satsang in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, resulted in 121 fatalities. In response, the UP Police arrested six members of the organizing committee who worked as..
In a tragic turn of events, the death toll from the Hathras stampede in Uttar Pradesh has risen to 121, with many of the victims being women and children. The incident occurred during a 'Satsang'..
Recent findings based on call records shed light on the movements of the godman, Bhole Baba, during the stampede in Hathras. Speculations suggest the stampede... IndiaTimes
Baba Narayan Hari, also known as Saakar Vishwa Hari 'Bhole Baba', was seen leaving Phulrai village with his convoy shortly after the tragic Hathras stampede,... IndiaTimes
In today's DNA, Zee News', Anant Tyagi analysed the reasons that behind the deadly stampede that claimed 116 lives at a satsang led by Bhole Baba in Uttar... Zee News