A devastating incident in Delhiβs Old Rajinder Nagar has left three civil service aspirants dead after heavy rainfall flooded the basement of a coaching centre. The Delhi Police have detained the coaching centre's owner and coordinator, charging them with culpable homicide. This video delves into...
The Supreme Court has protected former IAS probationer Puja Khedkar from arrest until February 14, 2025. Khedkar is accused of cheating and misusing the OBC and.. IndiaTimes
Days after three UPSC aspirants were killed in the basement of an IAS coaching centre in the Old Rajinder Nagar area due to flooding, Vikas Divyakirti, a popular teacher and Drishti IAS owner, has..
According to an official statement, the coaching centres that faced action in Rajinder Nagar on Tuesday include the IAS Gurukul Tathastu, Officers IAS Academy,... DNA Also reported by •Zee News
Many shocking revelations have come to light so far in the trainee IAS Pooja Khedkar case (IAS Pooja Khedkar Updates). The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)... DNA
During the UPSC controversy in 2000, Smita Sabharwal, an IAS officer from Telangana cadre, shared her opinions on the quota for disabled in IAS on her social... DNA