In a devastating turn of events, Bollywood actress Malaika Arora's father, Anil Arora, tragically died by suicide this morning. He reportedly jumped from the third floor of his apartment building in Bandra, Mumbai. The shocking incident occurred around 9 am, sending shockwaves through the...
Malaika Arora's father's surname has sparked curiosity online following his recent passing. The actress shared a statement about her father, Anil Kuldip Mehta, who was previously reported by the media..
The reports of Malaika Arora's father Anil Arora dying by suicide have shocked all. Arbaaz Khan is among the first ones to reach her residence to be by her side. Bollywood Life
Malaika Arora's father, Anil Arora, tragically passed away by suicide in Mumbai on September 11, 2024. Arbaaz Khan and Arjun Kapoor came together to support her.... IndiaTimes
Malaika Arora's father Anil Mehta tragically passed away at 62 on Wednesday, September 11, in what is being reported as a suicide. Following the prayer meet held... IndiaTimes Also reported by •DNA