In a shocking incident caught on camera, former Punjab Deputy Chief Minister and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Sukhbir Singh Badal narrowly escaped an assassination attempt at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. The gunman, identified as Khalistani leader Narain Singh Chaura, fired at Badal despite his Z-plus security cover. The bullet missed, and Chaura was overpowered and arrested on the spot.
#SukhbirSinghBadal #AssassinationAttempt #GoldenTempleAttack #KhalistaniLeader #NarainSinghChaura #SADLeaderTargeted #PunjabPolitics #ZPlusSecurityBreach #GunAttackOnBadal #AkalTakhtIncident #GoldenTempleShooting #PunjabSecurityCrisis #MilitancyInPunjab #SADLeaderSurvives #AmritsarShock #PoliticalViolence
Khalistani leader Narain Singh Chaura allegedly attempted to assassinate senior Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Sukhbir Singh Badal at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Chaura, associated with the now-defunct Khalistan National Army, fired a shot but missed the Z-plus security-protected former Punjab deputy chief minister. The shocking incident unfolded during Badal’s “punishment” guard duty mandated by the Akal Takht. Chaura, who has a history of militancy and criminal allegations, was overpowered and arrested immediately. This alarming event has raised serious questions about security within religious and political spaces in Punjab.
#SukhbirSinghBadal #AssassinationAttempt #NarainSinghChaura #KhalistaniLeader #GoldenTempleAttack #PunjabPolitics #SADLeaderTargeted #ZPlusSecurityBreach #AkalTakhtMandate #PunjabMilitancy #ShiromaniAkaliDal #KhalistanControversy #ReligiousSpaceSecurity #PoliticalAssassinationBid #AmritsarIncident
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Who Is Narain Chaura, The Man Who Opened Fire At Sukhbir Singh Badal? ::
Sukhbir Badal Targeted In Shooting Attempt At Golden Temple, Attacker Arrested ::
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A man named Narain Singh Chaura, a former militant, attempted to shoot Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Sukhbir Singh Badal at the Golden Temple in Amritsar on December 4, 2024. The incident occurred while Badal was serving a religious penance (tankhah) as a ‘sewadar’ at the temple, a role taken as part of a punishment for past actions under the SAD government. The assailant fired bullets at Badal, who was seated in a wheelchair, but a nearby volunteer intervened, preventing a fatal shot. The police quickly apprehended the shooter at the scene.
#AttackOnBadal #GoldenTempleIncident #SukhbirBadal #PunjabPolitics #SecurityBreach #SikhClergyPunishment #ReligiousSeva #PunjabNews #PoliticalTension #AkalTakht #Oneindia #OneindiaNews
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· Who Is Narain Chaura, The Man Who Opened Fire At Sukhbir Singh Badal?
· Sukhbir Badal Targeted In Shooting Attempt At Golden Temple, Attacker Arrested
· Sukhbir Singh Badal Resigns As Shiromani Akali Dal President Ahead Of Party Elections
Sukhbir Badal, along with four former Cabinet ministers, appeared before the Akal Takht as common men, and had said in a written clarification that they “are... Zee News Also reported by •IndiaTimes