Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has shared an emotional note for her son Abhishek Bachchan and his latest release “I Want To Talk”. Taking to his blog, he wrote: “Some films invite you to be entertained .. some films invite you to BE the film .. I WANT TO TALK .. just does that .. it invites you to...
Aishwarya Rai recently attended the Global Women's Forum event in Dubai and Abhishek Bachchan is currently basking on all the positive reviews that he has gotten... DNA
Amid the divorce rumours of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai, Jaya Bachchan's old statement on the Taal actress goes viral. DNA Also reported by •Bollywood Life
Aishwarya Rai's old interview talking about her 'ideal man' goes viral amid divorce rumours with Abhishek Bachchan. DNA Also reported by •Bollywood Life