In a shocking incident caught on camera, former Punjab Deputy Chief Minister and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Sukhbir Singh Badal narrowly escaped an assassination attempt at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. The gunman, identified as Khalistani leader Narain Singh Chaura, fired at Badal despite his Z-plus security cover. The bullet missed, and Chaura was overpowered and arrested on the spot.
#SukhbirSinghBadal #AssassinationAttempt #GoldenTempleAttack #KhalistaniLeader #NarainSinghChaura #SADLeaderTargeted #PunjabPolitics #ZPlusSecurityBreach #GunAttackOnBadal #AkalTakhtIncident #GoldenTempleShooting #PunjabSecurityCrisis #MilitancyInPunjab #SADLeaderSurvives #AmritsarShock #PoliticalViolence