In a shocking turn of events, Allu Arjun has been detained by the police following a tragic stampede that occurred at the premiere of his highly anticipated film, Pushpa 2, in Hyderabad. The incident, which has left multiple people injured and several feared dead, unfolded as an overwhelming crowd...
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter dies at 100 The 39th President of the United States passed away on Sunday at his home in Plains, Georgia while surrounded by family according to official..
Allu Arjun is being questioned by the Hyderabad police in connection with the December 4 stampede at Sandhya Theatre, where a woman died and her son was injured. The incident occurred during the..
Allu Arjun's residence in Hyderabad was vandalized by members of the Osmania University Joint Action Committee (OU-JAC) on Sunday, following a tragic stampede during the screening of his latest film,..
Pushpa 2's record-breaking streak doesn't end there. The film also claimed the title of the biggest non-holiday opener in Hindi, crossing Shah Rukh Khan's... DNA