A devastating incident has occurred in Mohali, Punjab, where a multi-storey building collapsed due to construction work nearby. Several people are feared trapped under the rubble, and rescue teams are currently working to save them. The collapse happened after basement digging on an adjacent...
Kumbh 2025: Preparations for the Kumbh Mela at Qila Ghat, near the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna, are in full swing. Authorities are reinforcing riverbanks with sandbagging to prevent erosion, ensuring safety for pilgrims. Police and NDRF teams are actively deployed to manage crowd control and emergencies, maintaining a strict vigil. Infrastructure upgrades and sanitation measures are also being prioritized to accommodate the large influx of devotees. Watch the full report of Oneindia.
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A multi-story building collapsed in Sohana, Mohali, on Saturday, killing one woman and trapping several others. Rescue operations are underway, involving NDRF,... IndiaTimes