Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who is gearing up for the release of her upcoming movie ‘Emergency’, had breakfast with the Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India, Nitin Gadkari. The actress took to the Stories section of her Instagram and shared a picture of herself enjoying...
Kangana Ranaut, in an exclusive conversation with IANS, emphasized that the "Emergency" film is crucial for the younger generation, as it will educate them about a significant chapter in Indian..
Mumbai: The film "Emergency" is slated to hit theaters on January 17th. Ahead of its release, the star cast, including Kangana Ranaut, Anupam Kher, and Shreyas Talpade, engaged in a special..
Mumbai: The film "Emergency" is set to release soon. In an exclusive conversation with IANS, the film's star cast shared their excitement, with Kangana revealing her plans for the premiere, including..
Kangana Ranaut's Emergency will have a special screening on January 11, 2025, with Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, Kangana, and Anupam Kher in attendance. Zee News
Emergency :The special screening, hosted in Nagpur, was attended by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. Reportedly, before the special screening, no one had actually... Mid-Day