Mumbai : Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who is recovering well at Lilavati Hospital, has been moved to a suite after his condition improved on Friday. The actor was attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence, who climbed the stairs and entered the Pataudi home in Mumbai's Bandra area. The...
Mumbai : Saif Ali Khan, who is recovering from a stabbing incident at his Bandra residence, has been receiving a steady stream of visitors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. His daughter Sara Ali Khan,..
Mumbai: On the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, actress Urvashi Rautela says, "This is extremely unfortunate. Actors are not safe at all. We never thought something like this would happen. But it's good..
Two years ago, actress Alankrita Sahai told her story of being robbed at Knief Point by four criminals, which was similar to Saif Ali Khan's experience. She said, ‘You know, I think to be at knife..
Saif Ali Khan was injured in a burglary attempt at his Bandra residence at around 2:30 am on Thursday. He was rushed to the hospital for surgery. The police have... IndiaTimes
Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked during a burglary attempt at his home and is currently undergoing surgery for arm injuries. His family, including Kareena Kapoor... IndiaTimes
Kareena Kapoor Khan recorded her statement with Bandra Police, regarding the attack on her husband and actor, Saif Ali Khan, at their Bandra residence Mid-Day