Mumbai : In the latest development in the Saif Ali Khan attack case, the accused has been taken from Khar police station to undergo a medical examination. This step is a standard procedure in criminal investigations. Following the medical examination, the accused will be produced in court, where the...
Mumbai :Trending, 2025, Bollywood News, Bollywood Gossips, Bollywood Updates, Bollywood News, Bollywood, Bollywood celebrity, Bollywood Hindi News, ians, bollywood news latest, bollywood news today,..
mumbai : Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan sustained injury after he was attacked with a knife at home by a thief. A theft occurred at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's house early this morning around 4..
The Bandra Police have stated that the accused, who allegedly attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, is a Bangladeshi national. The police have sought 14 days... Mid-Day