MUMBAI: In an exclusive conversation with Dinesh Prajapati, the accused's lawyer in the homicide case of Saif Ali Khan. “The police presented the report to the court today, he said, and they requested a seven-day police detention remand. They stated that they needed to record his shoes, perform...
The Mumbai Police has released CCTV footage of the suspect involved in the shocking attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. The suspect, captured on camera in the building's..
mumbai : Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan sustained injury after he was attacked with a knife at home by a thief. A theft occurred at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's house early this morning around 4..
A facial recognition test will be conducted on Shariful Fakir, arrested for attacking Saif Ali Khan, to confirm his identity. The police are addressing... IndiaTimes
Saif Ali Khan got discharged from Lilavati Hospital on January 21 after undergoing treatment incurred during a scuffle with an intruder. Here's the latest update... Bollywood Life
Khan was attacked on January 16, and the CCTV footage of Khan’s attacker had gone viral on social media; it was a challenging task for the Mumbai police to nab... Mid-Day