Friday, 13 December 2024 Priyanka Chopra Jonas received the Red Sea Honorary Award at the 2024 Red Sea International Film Festival. The actress dazzled in a silver Oscar De La Renta gown, accompanied by her husband, Nick Jonas, who looked dapper in a classic black tuxedo. Chopra Jonas expressed gratitude for the honor on social media, celebrating the convergence of the entertainment world.
Nick Jonas, husband of Bollywood and Hollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, has shared glimpses of his New Year celebrations. He took to his social media account to share some fun-filled photos with his..
Priyanka Chopra Jonas gave her fans a sneak peek into her family's Christmas celebrations. She shared a photo of her personalized Christmas stocking on Instagram Stories. The stocking had her name on..
After attending the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Indian actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas and her husband Nick Jonas spent their time enjoying the picturesque locale, where..