Hyderabad police detained the Tollywood actor Allu Arjun in the case that was registered against him for the connection of Stampede at the Sandhya theater during the premiere of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ on December 4. In that stampede, one woman died and her son was critically injured. Chikkadpally...
Allu Arjun is being questioned by the Hyderabad police in connection with the December 4 stampede at Sandhya Theatre, where a woman died and her son was injured. The incident occurred during the..
Allu Arjun, the Telugu superstar, has returned home after being granted interim bail in connection with the tragic stampede that occurred during the premiere of his much-anticipated film Pushpa 2: The..
In a shocking turn of events, Allu Arjun has been detained by the police following a tragic stampede that occurred at the premiere of his highly anticipated film, Pushpa 2, in Hyderabad. The incident,..
A letter from the management of Sandhya Theatre requesting police deployment has surfaced online following Allu Arjun's arrest in connection with a tragic... IndiaTimes
Pushpa 2: The Rule actor Allu Arjun was arrested in the Hyderabad stampede tragedy case, which led to a woman's death. Check out the viral videos. Bollywood Life