Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha recently shared an unexpected and amusing wake-up call from her hotel room in Australia. She posted a video on her social media, capturing a lion’s roar waking her up in the morning. In the video, Sonakshi can be seen sitting on the bed in her hotel room, recording...
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal made the most of their Australian getaway by conquering the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. The actress described the experience as "amazing" and shared two captivating..
Actress Sonakshi Sinha, who was last seen in the streaming movie ‘Kakuda’, is annoyed by her husband Zaheer Iqbal’s shenanigans. On Wednesday, the actress took to the Stories section of her..
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are making the most of their Australian vacation. The couple, who tied the knot in June 2024, is enjoying quality time together, exploring the country's wildlife and..