Team India's T20 World Cup champions paraded through Mumbai on Thursday, culminating in a grand celebration at Wankhede Stadium. Captain Rohit Sharma, star batsman Virat Kohli and the entire squad were honoured amidst jubilant fans. Despite rain and traffic delays, the open-top bus procession...
Rohit Sharma, the heartthrob of Mumbai and the pride of Indian cricket, has cemented his place as the most adored cricketer in the country. Known for his impeccable batting skills and charismatic..
VVS Laxman who represented India in 134 test matches scored 8,781 runs with an average of 45.97. He also heap praises on Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma and Ravindra... Mid-Day
Former Indian opener Gautam Gambhir, who himself played crucial roles in India's World Cup victories in 2007 and 2011, was among the first to commend Kohli and... Zee News
The Indian cricket team, led by Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma, beamed with joy as they posed for pictures with the prestigious World Cup trophy. Zee News