World Health Assembly hopes to reinforce pandemic preparedness after bold treaty project stalls
Monday, 27 May 2024 Member countries started the WHO annual assembly to enhance global readiness for outbreaks like Covid-19 after a failed pandemic treaty. Efforts focus on preparing for future pandemics amidst distractions like elections and climate change. WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus insists the stalled work on the pandemic treaty was not a failure, and acknowledged an "immense" task on a "very ambitious timeline" alluding to the many years it usually takes for UN member countries to reach global treaties.
New Zealand's Dr Andrew Old informs the World Health Assembly that the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHRs) are not good enough for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Core capacities for prevention and surveillance will need WHO support to enable better country...
TODAY ON THE ROBERT SCOTT BELL SHOW: Jonathan Emord, Campaign announcement, WHO Pandemic Treaty failure, America’s foundation history, John Locke Patriarchy, Thomas Jefferson liberty, George..
World News Report- You did it everyone! You made your voices heard as countries fron around the world couldn't come to the same agreement on how to control the people. The WHO Pandemic Treaty..