Elon Musk weighs in on Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest: 'It’s 2030 in Europe and ...'
Sunday, 25 August 2024 Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget Airport near Paris for allegedly failing to moderate content on Telegram, allowing criminal activities. Elon Musk reacted by highlighting free speech issues on his social media platform, X. Durov, who resides in Dubai, is a dual citizen of France and the UAE.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been arrested in France, stirring global controversy over free speech and tech censorship. The shocking move by French authorities, under President Emmanuel Macron's administration, raises questions about the true motives behind Durov's detention. Allegations of drug...
On Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron publicly denied reports that he had extended an invitation to Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, to visit France. The..
A French court indicted Telegram founder Pavel Durov on multiple charges, including complicity in criminal activities through his platform. Arrested in Paris, Durov faces accusations of facilitating..
Breaking news: The United Arab Emirates has frozen a monumental $10 billion contract to purchase 80 Dassault Rafale fighter jets from France. This dramatic move comes right after Pavel Durov, the..
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently revealed that he is the biological father of over 100 children across 12 countries through sperm donation, a decision he made... DNA
"Somehow Elon Musk became the villain because he was actually the only platform that would allow free speech. He's now become a villain because the Democratic... IndiaTimes
Elon Musk accused Mark Zuckerberg of not adequately addressing child exploitation issues on Instagram and criticized Meta's response during a Senate hearing.... IndiaTimes