In a dramatic turn of events, Ukrainian forces have dealt a significant blow to North Korean troops stationed in the Kursk region, killing at least 30 soldiers. The attack marks a major escalation in the ongoing conflict, as Ukrainian forces continue to push back against Russian-backed forces in...
In a tense and dramatic exchange, Russian President Vladimir Putin and a reporter clash over a provocative claim that the West could soon sink underwater due to rising threats. The reporter’s wild prediction sends shockwaves through the room, prompting a fiery war of words with Putin, who fiercely challenges the notion. As tensions rise, the exchange escalates into a gripping confrontation, showcasing the high-stakes atmosphere surrounding global politics. Watch as Putin responds with sharp rebuttals, turning the press conference into a battle of ideologies and fiery rhetoric.
#Putin #ReporterClash #WestSinking #Geopolitics #PutinSpeech #PoliticalTension #RisingSeaLevels #WildClaim #RussianPolitics #PressConferenceDrama #GlobalPolitics #PutinVsReporter #EnvironmentalCrisis #TenseExchange #WatchNow
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In a revealing statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin discusses Russia’s primary goal in Syria—preventing the establishment of an Islamic caliphate and eradicating terrorism. Putin clarifies that Russia did not deploy ground troops in Syria, relying on naval and air support, while Syrian and pro-Iranian forces took the front lines. He also hints at the absence of direct talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, instead revealing ongoing discussions with influential Syrian rebel leader Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's leader, Abu Mohammad al-Julani. Watch the full speech as Putin outlines Russia’s strategic success in the region.
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Vladimir Putin's Alleged 'Secret' Daughter Lives Under False Identity In Paris: Report ::
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Vladimir Putin's India Visit: Dates To Be Announced Soon, Confirms Kremlin ::
In his highly anticipated year-end speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin faces explosive questions on a range of critical issues, including the ongoing war in Ukraine, the controversial Oreshnik case, NATO’s expansion, and the potential implications of Donald Trump’s political future. During this live address, Putin tackles tough queries on Russia's military strategy, its geopolitical challenges, and the country’s stance on the West. As tensions rise and global scrutiny intensifies, this speech promises to offer key insights into Putin’s plans for the upcoming year and his responses to growing international pressure. Don’t miss this moment of high-stakes diplomacy and defiant rhetoric.
#PutinPressConference #VladimirPutin #Oreshnik #Russia #Putin #PutinQ&A #RussiaLive #PutinSpeech #TrumpPutin #NATO #GlobalTensions #WarCry #PutinLive #RussiaPolitics #Geopolitics #BreakingNews #WorldStage #PutinAddress #RussiaUpdates #GlobalCrisis #LeadershipUnderFire #InternationalRelations #LiveBroadcast
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NATO Chief Mark Rutte Warns of Putin's Intent for Long-Term Confrontation with Europe ::
Vladimir Putin's Alleged 'Secret' Daughter Lives Under False Identity In Paris: Report ::
Amid The Russia-Ukraine War, What Putin's 'Upcoming' India Visit Means ::
As Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine is going into its third winter, Russian President Vladimir Putin held its annual end-of-year press-conference, two days after a Kyiv-orchestrated killing of a high-ranking general on the streets of Moscow.
Credit: euronews (in English) Duration: 01:30Published
The U.S. has outlined key conditions for Ukraine's NATO membership, emphasizing the need for military reforms and strengthening democratic institutions. While Ukraine has applied for NATO membership, the timeline remains unclear, with NATO focusing on helping Ukraine align with its standards through dedicated commands. Russia's opposition to NATO's expansion complicates the process, with NATO ruling out full membership while the country is in conflict.
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In a bold and provocative statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin mocks the West’s belief that Oreshnik missiles can be easily intercepted. During a high-stakes address, Putin delivers a powerful..
In a dramatic and fiery speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the possibility of nuclear weapons use, hinting at Russia’s willingness to deploy them under certain circumstances. As..
Vladimir Putin accused Western nations of imposing self-serving rules to maintain global dominance. He criticized their support for Ukraine, alleging it provokes... IndiaTimes
India and Russia reaffirmed their strategic partnership, with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh emphasizing their strong bond during a meeting with President Putin.... IndiaTimes Also reported by •BBC News