A rare and terrifying "firenado" has been captured on video during the devastating wildfires ravaging Los Angeles' Palisades neighborhood. The fiery vortex swirled dangerously close to Mulholland Drive, as strong winds combined with the raging flames, smoke, and ash. Meteorologist Adam Krueger...
New evacuations have been ordered as the Palisades fires expanded east quickly, prompting emergency officials to expand mandatory evacuation orders to Brentwood, including the Getty Center. Like the..
A new wildfire has broken out in Los Angeles, fueled by powerful Santa Ana winds that are pushing the Palisades fires to deadly extremes. These winds, known for their strength and intensity, are..
Satellite imagery has revealed the staggering scale of destruction caused by the Pacific Palisades wildfire in Los Angeles. The blaze, which has engulfed the upscale coastal neighborhood, has displaced..