
Christian Fellowship Church Holds Food Drive:

Video Credit: WEVV - Published
Christian Fellowship Church Holds Food Drive:Christian Fellowship Church Holds Food Drive:

Has that story.

On saturday morning, members of the christian fellowship church conducted a food drive for people in need.

We have spent the last two days putting together about a thousand boxes of food for people, it represents about 72 thousand items whether canned goods, all non perishable except for a loaf of bread, but somewhere around 72 thousand items. teams of people came by and assembled boxes, distributed food into the boxes and then this morning we have another team of people that helped load them into the cars.

Once stay at home orders forced people from working and attending school, the church saw an opportunity to help those affected.

We knew that the community was lacking in food and that there were people in our own community that were hungry, we wanted to respond just the way jesus did in terms of he would feed people.

We felt like it was important for us to address the own physical needs of our own community.

Though this is a one time food drive, the church is prepared to have similar food drives if the need presents itself.

We'll be here today but we are always looking for ways to reach out into the community so it's a possibility we'll do this again.

Our church was looking for ways to serve the community and so this gave us a great outlet for that and so, we've had an incredible response.

Reporting in evansville andrew garcia 44 news.

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