
Unrequested Absentee Ballot Applications Create Voter Confusion

Video Credit: WEVV - Published
Unrequested Absentee Ballot Applications Create Voter Confusion

Unrequested Absentee Ballot Applications Create Voter Confusion

Warrick County Clerk office phones are ringing off the hook, with voters uncertain about mailings being sent to them.

Fox 44 at 9 -- campaign count down rolls on-- as ballot battles already swirling across the country tonight-- in what has become a contentious debate over mail in voting-- only time will tell - but the clock is ticking voters only have to 54 days make sure their voice is heard in november and this time around --- an election - unlike anything we've ever seen before.

Millions of people - are opting out of tradition - and into the alternative.

State records show mail-in ballot requests --- double - and even triple - like we first reported monday night - both sides of the aisle --- are doing something out of the ordinary.

Personally sending request forms --- to your front door.

With the two major parties stressing the importance of this november's outcome.... they're turning their attention to the record number of absentee ballots expected to be cast in the general election but it's leaving a slew of questions -- in it's wake.

And election officials only expect - the confusion to continue spreading --- across the tri- state.

44news reporter erran huber is helping you make sure -- you know all your voting options.

During an election year unlike any other--voters want to make sure their voice is heard.

But--instead-- outside actors are creating a new sense of confusion--as absentee voting-- expected to be higher than ever.

The indiana democratic party, and also the indiana republican party is mailing out absentee ballot applications, which is causing confusion with the voters.

Because quite a few have already submitted their applications.

So in turn they're getting this from a state agency, which makes them concerned that we did not receive their absentee ballot application.

These applications though--not headed straight to boonville--but routed through indianapolis.

"so it can cause delays.

It would not cause any kind of duplicate ballots to be sent out.

When we enter an application into the system, it's a statewide voter registration system.

It would flash and let us know that individual had already received a ballot."

Despite safeguards in place to ensure the integrity of the election-- one indiana voter we spoke to along the warrick county waterfront-- says she's going to do everything she can to make sure she gets counted.

I would rather do it in person, because mail can get distributed to different places.

And if you vote in person, i don't know why we can't do that.

There's plenty of stadiums, there's plenty of places where we can go and vote in person.

The clerk adds-- there's one simply way to avoid any confusion or delay.

That's to request a ballot application from the warrick county clerk's office.

In boonville eh 44news and if you haven't already - you're running out of time - to request an absentee ballot.

Hoosiers only have until october 22nd.

Kentuckians - the 27th.

For those in the land of lincoln - mail in ballot applications -- are due october 29th.

But how you cast your vote won't matter -- if you are not registered to vote.

For kentucky and indiana - voters should mark their calendar --- for monday october 5th.

In the illinois - just an 24 extra hours - your opportunity to register ends - october 6th.

But a grace period --- allows you to register through election day.

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