
Coastal Creative Hive group benefits local artists

Video Credit: WXXV - Published
Coastal Creative Hive group benefits local artists

Coastal Creative Hive group benefits local artists

Sit back, relax, and enjoy local artwork.

A local group called ‘Coastal Creative Hive’ was created in 2018 and it’s a group of crafters and artists.

Donate to their thrift store.

- - sit back, relax, and enjoy loca- artwork.- there's a local group called- 'coastal creative hive' created- in- 2018.

- its a group of crafters and - artists.- they do pop art shows all acros- the coast to- promote local artist, their goa- is to do this at zero cost for- the artist with 100% of the - sales going back to the artist- when- possible.

- their motto is 'all ages, all - races, and all mediums are- welcome.'

- founder of the group, tricha- mcalvain is a local artist- herself and has a new angel - wings mural on display at trax- in- long beach.

- - "well it's exactly what i wanted, i wanted- each inivials to see something- diffrent withinte ings within - the desgin and the layers - - - - of the paint and the woodwork.- and whenever they come multiple- times i want- them to see something every tim- they visit."

<splice> "sout mississippi has - always been a treasure trove an- a fountain for local artists an- musicians.- - - - me being amusican myself just - trying to give everybody a shot- she approached me - about the angel wings and i - thought it was a fantastic- - - - idea."

To see trisha 's new mural and- have the perfect photo opp, - check - out her artwork in long beach - and be sure to follow 'coastal- creative hive' on facebook to - support your local artists.

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