Railway Protection Force in Chhattisgarh detained Akash Kanojia, suspected assailant of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, at Durg railway station. Police identified.. IndiaTimes
The Railway Protection Force (RPF) arrested Aakash Kailash Kannojia at Durg railway station in connection to the stabbing attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan.. IndiaTimes
Alert RPF personnel rescued a suicidal man at Mumbai's Virar railway station on february 24th. The 32-year-old man lay down on the railway tracks as the train approached.
#RescueVideo #ViralVideo..
On February 24, a suicide attempt was averted by RPF personnel when they dragged a man out of railway tracks where he was lying as a train was approaching him, at Virar railway station in Mumbai. The..