What's The Risk: Going to Gym After The Vaccine?
What's The Risk: Going to Gym After The Vaccine?
You may be wondering how to navigate parts of your life after getting vaccinated.
Newsy's Lindsey Theis (THEES) spoke with experts about some risks to consider after getting the COVID shot.
With more and more people19 vaccine, you may be askmy risk of catching the viexperts what's the risk ofafter the vaccine there?
Tvirus is medium risk, moderisk categories.
Even aftedefinitely seen reports rerelated to going to an indare not just breathing atBut when you exercise, youmore effectively in the gya mask and you still try tif you know you're on an eUh you've uh you know havethe person next to you uhin between.
I think definilong way in.
Uh preventing