Impressive: Tucker Carlson Mentions Nazi's, Medical Experiments and the Nuremberg Trials on One Show

Impressive: Tucker Carlson Mentions Nazi's, Medical Experiments and the Nuremberg Trials on One Show
In one twenty-four-hour period we witnessed two icons of media (Bill Maher and Tucker Carlson, a liberal and a conservative) both call out the Coronavirus and more recently the Omicron Variant as apparent 'common cold' viruses and it is time to end the Pandemic.
Tucker Carlson goes one step further and mentions the words 'Nazi and medical experiments' in the same sentence.
Bari Weiss a New York Times columnist appeared on Bill Maher's Friday Night Show and she is a hardcore anti-Trump and anti-Republican even called the Plandemic as the 'Pandemic of Bureaucracy'.
The reason why they (the Cabal) appear to want to end the Plandemic (insert Bozo Johnson here) is that more and more politicians are running scared as the truth about the Coronavirus Pandemic is becoming common talk in the mainstream now.
They are running for their underground bunkers.