JFK or John F Kennedy announcing his run for president

JFK or John F Kennedy announcing his run for president
In this throwback video of JFK or John F.
Kennedy where he announces he will run for president.
A lot of people draw similarities between Donald Trump and John F.
Kennedy, there are conspiracies theories, of JFK Junior still being alive.
Princess Diana still being alive.
Good people who were in office or who held power or places of privilege where they saw the corruption of the cabal and tried to warn people and had to fake their own death just to get out.
Not saying those theories are true or not however the coincidences are starting to compound.
Whoever would’ve thought there would be a global economic impact like we’ve seen in the past three years.
Whoever would’ve thought we would be talking about show me your papers here in America, with the vaccine passports.
Whoever would’ve thought someone would tell you you have to be injected with this stuff or you can’t buy or sell goods.
You can’t go places.
This kind of segregation was around when racism was still a thing here in America.
Now segregation among races is all but gone and yet we want to segregate by peoples personal medical decisions.