Biden Administration Panics Over Very Likely Freedom Convoy This Weekend

Biden Administration Panics Over Very Likely Freedom Convoy This Weekend
In what can begin to occur in many states, New York City takes the lead of the USAConvoy, which is a part of the bigger 'Freedom Convoy' and/or 'FreedomConvoy2022'.
The movement started over 2 weeks ago, and mainstream media like FOX, MSNBC, CNN did not make a peep about it until about 2 days ago.
It's also very possible that they vastly underestimated the power of the people!
The FreedomConvoy's roots come from multiple Trucker Union protests against what was dubbed "government overreach".
These many small trucker protests eventually unified into a combined 50,000+ trucks, and thousands more truckers, trucker family, and citizens around Canada voluntarily joined the peaceful protest.
"TruckerConvoy" came to be, and have made astronomical sacrifices in the name of freedom of 'my body, my choice', which has always been a popular idea in the Western World, which many may have took for granted during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We all see that more by the day, people are getting up from the couch again, stepping outside, and just simply living their lives as they see fit, without harming anyone else in the process.
Lawfully speaking, feelings do not count.
It's definitely certain that most politicians chose fear over physical and mental well-being for their populace.
This is an ongoing fight for freedom, and we promise to never stop until every last COVID tyrant (whom are the public employees) admit to their lies or at least sweep the narrative under the rug so sanity and integrity can be restored.