Trudeau's real reason to Suspended Canadian's Civil Liberties Revealed By Rebel News Founder Levant

Trudeau's real reason to Suspended Canadian's Civil Liberties Revealed By Rebel News Founder Levant
Although the Freedom Convoy protesters have been peaceful and have done nothing more than show the size and scope of people who oppose the COVID-19 agenda, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he was invoking the “Emergencies Act” to help fight the growing protests that are now making their way into America.
What is so interesting about Trudeau’s announcement is the fact that back in 2001 when the World Trade Centers were attacked by terrorists, the Emergencies Act wasn’t even mentioned.
But now, as citizens stand up against government overreach, it appears the Canadian government is showing just how much power they have.
Speaking with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Ezra Levant, the founder of Rebel News, detailed how outlandish the statements from Trudeau were.
He stated, “There is no revolution in the streets of Canada.
You see for yourself, it’s a festival environment.
There’s no violence.
It’s happy — moms and dads and kids.
Trudeau is claiming they’re dangerous, claiming they’re terrorists so he can seize bank accounts.
The most scary thing announced today by the finance minister, who was on the World Economic Forum board, is that banks will be directed to seize your accounts without due process and you can’t even sue them.
They’re indemnified.
He is going after his political opponents to seize their resources Venezuela style.” As can be seen in the video above, both parties admitted that the protesters are being peaceful and just exercising their right to protest.
But facing fines, imprisonment, and an overreaching government, Hannity added, “I’ve got to tell you, I never thought I’d see it in Canada, but I see that the truckers are winning.
I think these five provinces, it’s a significant win.
And if — I mean, if he wasn’t going to this extreme, the truckers have been peaceful.
If this turns into something else because he’s sending people in there directly to confront them, I can’t guarantee that at that point people won’t defend themselves.
Is Trudeau that stupid?
He looks — he doesn’t seem that bright to me.”