Free Press UNDER ATTACK In Ottawa As DRUTHERS Has BANK ACCOUNT FROZEN Under Emergencies Act!!!

Free Press UNDER ATTACK In Ottawa As DRUTHERS Has BANK ACCOUNT FROZEN Under Emergencies Act!!!
Even though the emergency act is currently still being debated the Trudeau government has gone ahead and frozen over 200 bank accounts of people who either took place in the freedom convoy protest or who financially supported those who were taking part in the Freedom Convoy.
Druthers News raised over $100k to give DIRECTLY to the truckers but when their editor in chief Shawn Jason went to his bank to prepare the checks he was informed that the government has blocked him from using his own personal bank account!
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Shawn Jason from Druthers about his initiative to help fund the truckers, what the process was like when finding out about his bank account being frozen and also how he sees this playing out when it comes to regaining access to his own account.