Mass Arrests of Canadian Protesters Has Begun | Canada Has Fallen – Johnny Massacre Show 394

Mass Arrests of Canadian Protesters Has Begun | Canada Has Fallen – Johnny Massacre Show 394
Justin Trudeau's government has started arresting protestors on site before the Emergencies Act has even been passed.
Protesting, peaceful assembly and human rights are no more in Canada.
We look at video footage of police arresting protestors, police chiefs declaring they will start taking children from the protesters, and examine why Trudeau is engineering this disaster.
Possible answers include Trudeau is profiting off the vaccines and/or that he is compromised by the WEF (World Economic Forum).
God bless the innocent Canadian truckers and their families.
We are wishing your freedoms will be restored ASAP.
#freedomconvoy2022 #canadafreedomconvoy #freedomconvoy