Episode 90: WWF No Way Out of Texas 1998

Episode 90: WWF No Way Out of Texas 1998
For the 20th In Your House event, there was No Way Out of Texas!
The main event was supposed to be the team of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack, & Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk) taking on Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and the New Age Outlaws.
But after Shawn Michaels injured his back at the Royal Rumble, he's out until WrestleMania 14.
Someone else has to step in...and let's just say...the reveal is less than impressive.
Also on this card, we see Kane and Vader do battle, The Nation of Domination try to stop from imploding, the NWA stable try to stay relevant with Jeff Jarrett leading the way, the Light Heavyweights in action, Marc Mero attempt to stop Sable from always stealing his spotlight, and Goldust just get weirder and weirder.
This was a show sandwiched between two great pay-per-views and it wasn't blowing the doors off anything, but this certainly wasn't bad.