
2019 Bilderberg Meeting draws Pompeo and Kushner.

Video Credit: Rumble - Duration: 04:06s - Published
2019 Bilderberg Meeting draws Pompeo and Kushner.

2019 Bilderberg Meeting draws Pompeo and Kushner.

The Bilderberg Group participants are between 120 and 150 people, including political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia and the media.

About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

Historically, attendee lists have been weighted toward bankers, politicians, directors of large businesses and board members from large publicly traded corporations, including Wallenberg-owned conglomerate holding company Investor AB and other Wallenberg-owned multinationals such as Ericsson and ABB, IBM, Xerox, Royal Dutch Shell, Nokia and Daimler.

Heads of state, including former King Juan Carlos I of Spain and former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, have attended meetings.

A source connected to the group told The Daily Telegraph in 2013 that other individuals, whose names are not publicly issued, sometimes turn up "just for the day" at the group's meetings.

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