The Orlando Massacre (and Neocon War Agenda) Exposed: GET USED TO IT - Destruction Is Coming to USA

The Orlando Massacre (and Neocon War Agenda) Exposed: GET USED TO IT - Destruction Is Coming to USA
This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 6/20/16 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, FL.
Much worse than the Orlando massacre is on its way to America.
While distracting the populace with such "terrorist" acts at home to further their domestic agenda, the Neocon lunatics in charge of Washington DC are intentionally attempting to provoke Russia to nuclear war.
The massacre at the "gay" bar in Orlando on June 12, 2016 was executed in part by yet another unstable Muslim influenced by federal agent provocateurs to carry out yet another act of terror of their design and with their direct assistance, to further the Satanic, Neocon agenda of building an international American Empire - to create justification for increased military action in Syria, while at the same time furthering the domestic agenda of turning sodomites and queers into a protected class - a class to be protected from critical hate speech and from legislation protecting those of us who are actually normal and sane from being forced into business dealings with them or performing their same sex marriages or sharing public restrooms with them - and also of completely disarming the American people - to quash all resistance to the devil's New World Order that IS the centerpiece of the NeoCon agenda.
GET USED TO IT: Destruction is coming to America