The "Consecration of Russia" by the Novus Ordo APOSTATE SECT is INVALID and heresy...

The "Consecration of Russia" by the Novus Ordo APOSTATE SECT is INVALID and heresy...
The layman impostor Bergoglio's “Consecration of Russia” is a HERESY, NULL and INVALID in front of God...this truly abomination and direct heresy in front of Christ our Lord by the apostate usurpers of the true Roman Catholic Church property and clerical titles, which offices of Papacy and Cardinals and Bishops are by Divine and Canon Law of the Catholic Church not in hands of heretics and therefore not in the hands of this APOSTATE Novus Ordo Sect, and thus this abominable heretical fraudulent ceremony these enemies of God are about to attempt will only bring the wrath of God on them and on all those who would dare to promote and publicize such a heretical falsehood...which is nothing less than the work of the devil, through these his communist servants, benefiting the KGB communist Russian military strategy of communist worldwide domination, as foretold by Our Lady of Fatima...