Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - Sept. 30, 2022

Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - Sept. 30, 2022
George Landrith, Tom Donelson, Dr. Larry Fedewa, and Dr. Joe Mangiacotti discuss this week's key issues, including: Hurricane Ian, climate change hysteria and lies, Joe Biden's divisive pettiness, and the media's desire to credit Joe Biden and Kamala Harris while trashing conservatives like Gov.
Ron DeSantis; the Nordstream pipeline sabotage and who may have done it and who benefits; the election of Italy's first female Prime Minister and Italy's move to the right and how the media lies about who she is and what she believes and how the media, academia and others lies about the leftist roots of fascism and try to dishonestly pin it on the right; Kamala Harris claiming that North Korea is a close ally and friend of the US; the ultimate trolling of the woke Left; and Joe Biden's promotion of violence against conservatives and why he is silent about murder and shootings and political violence.