Need to Know News (17 October 2022) with Chris Weinert

Need to Know News (17 October 2022) with Chris Weinert
The same day the UN General Assembly voted against Russian acquisition of four regions of Ukraine, it launched a large-scale missile attack upon Ukraine, laying to rest rumors it had run out of missiles.
Sweden declines to share the results of its investigation of the Nord Stream attacks on grounds of "national security".
Zelensky appears to be featured as a holographic image in videos produced by Hollywood to promote the (corrupt) cause of Ukraine.
Joachim Hagopian has given an astute critique of the international geo-political situation, suggesting that the globalist attempt at mass murder and planetary domi8nation has been meeting massive popular resistance from many diverse directions, Harris/Harvard poll shows a wave emerging as GOP wins over voters on the basis of inflation, crime, and immigration.
Matt Gaetz tells Tucker: No North American Union of the US!
Meanwhile, the Department of State continues to support transgender surgeris and coversion of sexes, which is an outrageous expenditure of the taxpayers' money.
PayPal takes another hit for proposing to fine users $2,500 for each instance of misinformation, as PayPal would determine, which has sparked massive opposition and a loss of market shares and investment value.
Dave Moran Terry Moran delivers the bad news for Democrats about the midterm, where Jon Rappoport provides a satirical look at the Biden admin as though it were a sports team.
And it does not fare well.