The Last 24 - 020 - Pfizer Hiking Vax Prices, Bill C-11 & C-18, CTF Tax Budget, Parallel Structures

The Last 24 - 020 - Pfizer Hiking Vax Prices, Bill C-11 & C-18, CTF Tax Budget, Parallel Structures
Today on The Last 24 we will be discussing the pending price hikes from Pfizer, bringing the price from $30 per dose to about $110-130 per dose.
After that we'll be covering legislation like Bill C-11 and Bill C-18 and its effect on the average citizen as well as what that tells about how the government feels about us.
The second read through of C-11 in the Senate came back with 49 Yeas to 19 Nays.
Following that story we will be covering Canada's National Debt at $1,191,307,000,797.34 wtf does that number even mean?
Finally we'll wrap up with a discussion on parallel institutions, a possible solution to the madness.