Biden's CEFC Map, Pelosi Attacker Fmr. Berkeley "Castro Nudist" Gov. Warns of "Heightened Threat"

Biden's CEFC Map, Pelosi Attacker Fmr. Berkeley "Castro Nudist" Gov. Warns of "Heightened Threat"
Information is coming out about the man accused of attacking Paul Pelosi in his home the other day.
David Depape, 42 from Berkeley California is described as a former "Castro Nudist." Mainstream media is attempting to portray Mr. Depape as a Q conspiracist and maga person.
But how many MAGA people are from Berkeley California?
Government is warning of a heightened threat to the 2022 midterm elections but give few details.
Is this their way of beginning a conversation that will somehow stop the midterm elections because of a "perceived threat"?
Judge says groups can monitor Arizona drop boxes.
Earthquake swarms have been detected beneath Hawaii's larges volcano, Mauna Loa.
Some of the earthquakes are at ten kilometers deep.
Russia announces end of mobilization, having reached 300,000 troop goal.
Top Democrats urge Biden to nationalize the oil and gas industry, but isn't that a lot like Fascism?
Hunter Biden and Jim Biden pocketed huge sums of cash from CEFC.
Daily Mail breaks down the map of how some of that money flowed from China to Hunter Biden's multiple LLC's like Hudson West 3 which was co owned with China's Gongwen Dong.
Senator Grassley also has sent over 100 pages of non redacted bank records and evidence to Delaware prosecutor David Weiss who is overseeing the Hunter Biden case there.
Pranksters posing as laid off Twitter employees fool msm press, Mr. Rahul Ligma and Daniel Johnson were not real employees.
Will Ron Desantis run for president in 2024?
Will Trump return somehow before then?
Biden administration sued for hiding documents relating to the baby formula shortage investigation.
MSNBC has used the word "fascist" over 1,614 times this year, that's how Propaganda works, repeat over and over.
Biden falsely claims he left football team to court his first wife.
Why has Joe Biden sent U.S. troops so close to Ukraine?
Are there U.S. troops already in Ukraine?
Aide to Democrat Don Beyer fired after attempting to gather information about him for Chinese embassy.
Bodycam footage shows Uvalde cops inside school saying they did not want to get shot, and how can we jump the fence and get out of here.
Jerry Lee Lewis passes away at 87.
More news.