Fiat Empire
Fiat Empire
Dollar, currency, money, cash, wealth, riches, assets, bankroll, capital, savings, reserves, holdings, portfolio, endowment, inheritance, stipend, income, revenue, compensation, salary, wages, pay, bonus, profit, yield, return, interest, dividend, investment, capital gains, remuneration, payment, transfer, deposit, withdrawal, transaction, financial instrument, stock, bond, certificate of deposit, savings account, checking account, credit, debt, liability, obligation, balance, ledger, statement, report, account, reserve currency, denomination, bill, note, coin, penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, dollar coin, paper money, currency exchange, inflation, deflation, interest rate, monetary policy, Federal Reserve, central bank, monetary authority, monetary unit, store of value, medium of exchange, inflation-hedged asset, safe haven currency, convertible currency, fluctuation, devaluation, appreciation, depreciation, hard currency, soft currency, petrocurrency, sovereign currency, weak currency, strong currency.