Are US Court Cases Decided Before Arrest being on Pedo Rothschild Enemies List?

Are US Court Cases Decided Before Arrest being on Pedo Rothschild Enemies List?
White Heterosexual Male Conservatives are most likely to go after Pedophile Child Trafficking Central Bankers based in China given the chance.
So, these LBGTQ+ (Plus is for Pedophile Child Trafficker) have us on a list to go after in RIGGED COURTS using Pedo Child Trafficking Int'l Police Union & United Nations Israeli Intel Michael Chertoff B.A.R.
Association to rig court cases, elections, pay police & operatives to act for Rothschild Adrenochrome Cartel in China.
The Pentagram of DC & Obama did COVID to rig elections & is Coup of the Free World for the WEF Crowd.
Making up that someone is Counterfeiting is Classic Secret Service KGB-like behavior.
Their made up BS might mean me spending the rest of my life as a Political Prisoner.
Will I be in Prison, when Biden's Handlers in China have the US Nuke the US & hope Russia joins in Nuking the USA?
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