The Globalist War on the Elements of Life

The Globalist War on the Elements of Life
This great documentary by Mike Adams reveals how the globalists are trying to ban and/or control [and ultimitely monetize through a derivitaves scheme] the key elements of life, but not just CARBON, but OXYGEN and NITROGEN too.
Marching in lockstep with their diabolical United Nations Agenda 2030 plan to achieve a 80% reduction in the global population by 2030, they are now waging a war on the building blocks of life itself.
Even sunlight itself is under attack by the globalists who falsely claim that human beings are causing catstrophic climate change while completely ignoring the natural cyclical activity of the Sun itself and the fact that the objective data does not support ANY of their spurious conclusions.
Obviously, what they hope to achieve is a dead, dark, frozen planet, completely devoid of life.
For that's what will soon be the result, if they were to eradicate carbon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and sunlight.
Having long been hijacked by the same Thirteen Families who own and/or control everything else in this broken and aching world though their hegemonic control of our world's fraudulent monetary system, they are now also using the FAKEstream media and academia to wage psychological and kinetic war on humanity, as they herd us all into the Technocratic slaughterhouse that is their New World Order.