Putin exits US Nuclear Treaty. Biden wants to sign WHO Pandemic Treaty. You're being tracked & more!

Putin exits US Nuclear Treaty. Biden wants to sign WHO Pandemic Treaty. You're being tracked & more!
Putin gave a speech last night in Russia where he has stated Russia has exited the nuclear arms Treaty with the US, he also has put nuclear batteries on alert.
Theres a new balloon over Hawaii, its orgin or purpose is unknown.
IRS wants to "put thebfear of god in you" per whistleblower.
Tucker Carlson has been given 41,000 hours of Jan 6 footage previously unseen to review, so far he says it's nothing like we've been told.
Biden wants to sign a Treaty with the WHO to give then control over pandemic response in the US.
The US government is tracking the unvaxed and partially vaxed.
Did you know that?
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